Tag: relationships

  • (coming soon) How to CISO Volume 0: The CISO Job Description

    (coming soon) How to CISO Volume 0: The CISO Job Description

    If a company could design a perfect CISO, they would be able to seamlessly move between multiple disciplines, filling a number of critical roles. While no individual is likely to actually fill all of these roles, it’s valuable to understand all of the possibilities, to assess the development needs of the incumbent against all of…

  • The Death of the CIO

    The Death of the CIO

    CISOs grew up in the CIO’s blindspot. As cloud and SaaS bring IT and security back together, which will survive their impending deathmatch? A half-century ago, most corporations were paper-native: Their business processes all executed on paper from both back office (accounting) to go-to-market functions (sales and marketing). Their businesses were location-native: Revenue was often…

  • How to CISO Volume 1: The First 91 Days

    How to CISO Volume 1: The First 91 Days

    Ninety days is generally the grace period (or “honeymoon,” if you’d like) that a new executive has to get acclimated to a new environment. At the end of this time window, your employer is going to expect you to be executing on a plan, anyone you need to meet will expect you to have already…

  • We don’t need another infosec hero

    We don’t need another infosec hero

    By setting yourself up as the defender, the solver of problems, you cast your business colleagues as hapless victims or, worse, threats. This is not a useful construct for engagement. There’s this belief among a lot of security professionals that we are special, in that we are the defenders of our companies.  We like to…